Darn it - wtf happened to the whole of 2010?
Since i'm so free at this ungodly hour i shall take this chance (finally!) to update what i can remember for 2010.
So here goes.
1. Celebrated the boyfriend's birthday at Daidomon. Noms.
2. Celebrated our anniversary at the Daily Grind. Two years (well almost 3 now) and still making it happen. Although we chance upon an accidental meet I'm really glad US happened because you make me the happiest girl around :D Although every other day we drive each other up the wall we strive to understand each other a lil more every single day. Ily more with every passing day and i hope that you know that.

3. Got into an accident on April Fool's Day. Haha, the joke is on me FML. Shall not like prank people anymore. I remember i called the boyfriend at like 2am to tell him that i've gotten into an accident. He yawned and said "Haha, April fool right? Okay you got me!" and then i started crying like a bitch and yelling my head off then he believed me. Haha, who's laughing now?
4. Traveled almost the whole of Peninsular Malaysia early this year for work. I can't say i loved it or hated it. The best was that i had good company by my side. I can still remember the late nights room service and breakfast by the rivers of East Coast and of course driving with almost zilch petrol on the highway from Kedah back to Penang Island. Also the infamous driving with our eyes close to Johor. Both Vv and i were trying our best to stay awake and constantly screaming at each other so that we'd keep each other awake. I'm glad that THAT is over.

5. Left my old job after a year to pursue my bigger dream in the big industry. I've been here for 6 months and I never stop learning something new every single day. Met loads of different people from all walks of life, made a whole lot of new friends and all i can say is that i am glad that i am a part of a big picture in a structure.
6. For some reason in July my friends and i were feeling merry and drank like a fish. Must be all those months of being sober. Hmmm.
7. Attended MTV World Stage. Probably the wettest freaking concert, ever! It just wouldn't stop raining! Looks like the weather bomoh didn't work. Pfft.
8. Turned twentyf*ckingthree, omg. Alright, I've been pretty blessed all these years so thank you God!

Thanks guys for throwing me a so called 'surprise' birthday at Ms Read & for dunno what reason this is the only shitty picture i have of me doing God knows what. But hey, i look reallllllllyyyyy happy :D
9. Drink, drank, dropped. Just realised that i drank quite a bit this year! There seems to be a lot of alco images in my folder.
Hmm i heart kilkenny, noms.
And then my stomach problems cam back and i fell really really sick. I was definitely not in a good place :(
So next year's resolution is DRINK LESSER before my medicines go and FTL just like Momzie's eye cream. Haha, i actually find this really funny.
10. Reminiscing the college days & the nasi lemak wtf. I feel so old. It felt like only yesterday since I've left college. Suddenly i have a career ahead of me and suddenly i feel the weight of responsibility on my shoulders. No more allowance from the parents, paying for my own car/bills and being a real adult (as oppose to fake? Haha)
Oh my degree is dated 1st August which happens to be my birthday. Something which i thought is really really cool. Haha, it's like UOL gave me my degree as a birthday pressie for my birthday LOL :D
11. Lined up like a MF for the opening of Uniqlo. I don't even know why the boyfriend and i did that. Best part is i didn't even buy shit cos there were too many people and all i wanted to do when i got into the store was to get out. The boyfriend on the other hand had a jolly good time buying the whole men's department. Pfffttttt.
12. Technically i'm doing an update for every month. So since December isn't over yet I'll blog about this soon :D
Alrighto. I'm gonna consider this settled for now.
Just realised that as per my older blog post I was suppose to write to the future me. Hmm. I'll do that realllll soon !
Till the next post, i'm off.

6. For some reason in July my friends and i were feeling merry and drank like a fish. Must be all those months of being sober. Hmmm.
7. Attended MTV World Stage. Probably the wettest freaking concert, ever! It just wouldn't stop raining! Looks like the weather bomoh didn't work. Pfft.
8. Turned twentyf*ckingthree, omg. Alright, I've been pretty blessed all these years so thank you God!

Thanks guys for throwing me a so called 'surprise' birthday at Ms Read & for dunno what reason this is the only shitty picture i have of me doing God knows what. But hey, i look reallllllllyyyyy happy :D
9. Drink, drank, dropped. Just realised that i drank quite a bit this year! There seems to be a lot of alco images in my folder.

10. Reminiscing the college days & the nasi lemak wtf. I feel so old. It felt like only yesterday since I've left college. Suddenly i have a career ahead of me and suddenly i feel the weight of responsibility on my shoulders. No more allowance from the parents, paying for my own car/bills and being a real adult (as oppose to fake? Haha)
Oh my degree is dated 1st August which happens to be my birthday. Something which i thought is really really cool. Haha, it's like UOL gave me my degree as a birthday pressie for my birthday LOL :D
11. Lined up like a MF for the opening of Uniqlo. I don't even know why the boyfriend and i did that. Best part is i didn't even buy shit cos there were too many people and all i wanted to do when i got into the store was to get out. The boyfriend on the other hand had a jolly good time buying the whole men's department. Pfffttttt.

Alrighto. I'm gonna consider this settled for now.
Just realised that as per my older blog post I was suppose to write to the future me. Hmm. I'll do that realllll soon !
Till the next post, i'm off.