
So I've been meaning to blog about what my new year's resolutions are. I just figured that if i keep putting them off maybe it'd be the end of the year before i know it.

So conclusively, this year sucks and its tougher than i would have expected it to be.

When i was in high school all i ever wanted was to get out of that shithole. So right after high school, i did my A-Levels and stepped into Law School. It was more shit than the previous shithole. The amount of stress which piled up i swear i could have died of stress asphyxiation. I swear i wanted so badly to get out of Uni i made a pact to not fail any year just in case i have to stay back for another.

I graduated (finally!) without failing any years.

So now i'm currently working (in a totally unrelated field). It's not what i imagined it to be. Not even close.

Life's funny isn't it. Now i truly understand why everyone asked me to enjoy college while i can.

Anyway that part is over.

Okay so today is all about resolutions. Yes, its April but then again it's never too late right ? There's still like freaking 8 months to go. Okay 7 since it's the almost end of April. But then again whoever said there's expiry dates on resolutions.

So i've been reading my past blog post in my er, various past blogs which still exist of course just abandoned because i always want something new and revamped. I realised that i made a lot of resolutions which of course i did NOT keep. I just somehow ignored it.

Okay so here goes ..

This year i will TRY to ;

- be more positive about things and see things from a wider point of view.
- save more money for that plan about buying a condo in two years time.
- start eating healthier/join a gym/play sports.
- cut down on the fag.
- wash my own car ! (I think i did that er, like never) Gosh, what are carwash for then ?
- be nicer and more honest. Honestly nice. (Apparently you can't be both, hrmm)
- buy that fucking Nintendo DS Lite i've been coveting for ages.
- be more light minded about things.
- be more carefree.

Okay i think that's it. So these are the things i will TRY to do this year.

If i fail well there's always next year.

Life's a vicious cycle ;)

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